Anne E. Gipple

A Microscopic Bacterial Moment
A Microscopic Bacterial Moment by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Um, I think an explanation is required here. Friz, in his early super-cartoony, Jim Davis-esque bulbous eyeball format. All my character used to look like this, until I realized that my current "disneyfied" look is actually easier to draw, especially at odd angles.

Anyone who attended a Weird Al (full-length) concert during 1999-2000's "Touring With Scissors" remembers this nauseatingly silly moment during the song "Germs" when Al's tongue makes contact with the microphone stand. Friz immortalizes the moment.

"They're all over me! They're inside of me! Can't get 'em off of me! I'm covered with... MICROSCOPIC BACTERIA!!!" *

Finished Work
22y326d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 18 July, 2001 @ 01:33 AM

AUUUGHH! ALLLLLLL! 8DDD Weird Al so rules. I have a tiny sketch of him on my gallery, but it's nothing as big as this!!


Yeah. "Look under the microscope!......See? {:{

...And yeah, I went to a TouringW/Scissor concert...LOVED it. He's got so much energy. :D

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