Samantha Nowinski

Kou by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Kou is my newest addition to my characters. You've seen him in the previous comics "Untitled" (for now). Anyway, I thought I'd take the time to describe who Kou is, and why he has this plot to rule planet Irk.

It first started out when he was two years old (or what the humans see him as in his growing body)--his parents left him and his younger brother out in the middle of the death Irken empire. And, almost immediately, the death Irken soldiers attacked him and his brother. Kou was lucky enough to make it out alive...but his younger brother wasn't so lucky. He moved into the peacemaker's domain, and for a while he settled down there. But then Kou's hatred for his parents and the people around him were driven off the edge when he heard the news that his parents had come to see him...angry, Kou killed both of his parents, and to top it all off, he set three buildings in the peacemaker's city on fire. Kou was arrested and brought to justice. Though it was believed that he killed his parents out of cold blooded murder, the court system of the peacemakers believed that he had gone insane, and needed treatment. So, he was placed in an Psych Ward, which he was put in there for cases of skitzophrenea (sp!) and criminal isanity. But, within a matter of years, Kou's mind started to worsen with thoughts of getting rid of the whole Irken race. He hated every single Irken race--the death Irkens who killed his brother, the invaders, for which his parents were invaders, and the peacemakers for putting him in the ward in the first place. So, having an idea, he escaped the ward, and ran over to the invaders' empire city. He took a false name, and renamed himself "Kou", to have his past hidden in the shadows. And, working hard, he managed his way into the Tallests' palace, where he secretly does his own work (but the Tallests believe that he's harmless, since he's not as tall as them -_-). The plan starts to go fine..until Fayte (that random Irken woman in the comics) starts to get suspicious.

So...the fun begins in the comics... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y280d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 17 September, 2002 @ 08:04 AM

^^ yeah....that idea was some random thing....::sweatdrops:: Gotta love the things I come up with when I'm sick! Mak: comment on the picture. That's what this is for. oooOOOooo....Great Picture. Kou looks kick arse. (can't say a$$!! ^^)hehe, he really looks like he's straight from the psych ward. THUMBS UP! d=(^^)=b I like that little dude...::sweatdrops again::

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