Vanessa Halls

Cameougo by @enn (Vanessa Halls)

Erm...This is a sketch of my new character, Cameougo. (cah-meh-you-go.) He's also a Lupe. :B Anyways, Yugo was born in captivity, in a cruel and unorthodox scientist stronghold. Since before he was even able to open his eyes, they've been doing cruel expiriments on him, genetically altering him. They've taken other parts of Lupes and attatched them to him; limbs, bone sections, organs, even PIECES of organs. He's never even eaten in his entire life. So now, he's dead. (That'll happen if you're rough with your toys - you'll break 'em. u.u) He's now a ghost-zombie-thingimabob. Never really being alive, he couldn't really be dead, so now he just...wanders the world being evil and stuff. So...yes. That's why he's all patchwork-looking. :B I really like him. If this was colored (XD) he would be all sorts of shades of white and silver. Because...he's a ghosty thing. Yeah. c.c That's all you're getting out of me today. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Vanessa Halls

Rough / Concept
21y119d ago
Other Work By @enn

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 23 February, 2003 @ 08:29 PM

Omibee! Great job on this one! There's something about the shape of the head that I really like. And...and...andandand...the head's not too small! throws party Giggle. Chibi loves ye.

Posted: Tuesday, 25 February, 2003 @ 08:47 PM

Gleehee! Tankee Chibi! I didn't even notice there was something different about the shape of his head until you and Haley said so. But...it...it's not too small...? ....Sobs happily YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Hugsnugs I lub yoo guys tew. n__n

Posted: Sunday, 23 February, 2003 @ 08:45 PM

0_0 WOAH! (dude I seriously said that when I saw this) This is AMAZING! I LOVE his eyes and his head shape too! He so awsomely koo looking! snuggs you your so talented! ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 04:24 AM

Woooww! :D! Cah-meh-you-go looks sooo cool! And as with chibs and haley, the head looks real good! :D

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