Paula Pugh

Rain Is Good
Rain Is Good by @AnnieMae04 (Paula Pugh)

Just something I wiped up in one night (really, one night, maybe two hours or four). I was listing to classical this time, acually music my band is playing (school band). if you wanna look for a wav of it it's called "Pilatus: Mountin of Dragons" the ending is really cool and makes me feel all happy like.

I've always wanted to do this. Just stand in the rain and not care how wet I get. I love cold and rain and cloudy and windy. I'm the type of person who would move to it from a hot and sunny place. I like knowing that I won't die of global warming when it rains or it's windy and cold.

So I like to think of this as a pic of victory for the human race. Like Zim really "messed" up the atmosephere so that it wouldn't rain anymore. SO this is like Dib's relef, just a good feeling of everything's alright. He's doing that thing Drew Carry did at the end of the 1st ep. (play pool in the rain).

As a finish note, I would like to point out that you should be proud we have wat we have now. This is our planet and once it's gone were will we be. God's going to kill us off, that's for sure, you can't keep a series going for ever (the Simpsons will get cancled). It's jsut it's our planet, and I love some of the simple things it gives us. i had a better speech planed about this but my brain is bit of mush now. I'll think of more latter. Enjoy.

Finished Work
21y96d ago
Other Work By @AnnieMae04

Comments & Critiques (5)

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Posted: Tuesday, 04 March, 2003 @ 09:28 PM

Beautiful, I love it. I always check out your new art but I think this is one of your better pics. mmm - standing in the rain 'n getting soaked is wonderful - all the thunderstorms make up for all the sun here in florida - heh.

Posted: Wednesday, 05 March, 2003 @ 01:00 AM

Sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!

Posted: Wednesday, 05 March, 2003 @ 01:11 AM

You already know how I feel about this pic. I absolutely love this. It reminds me how I'd like to do the same. Keep it up. :)

Posted: Friday, 14 March, 2003 @ 09:21 PM

I remember reading a poem called First Rain in this beatnik poetry book called Out of Dust or something, really reminded of it, this picture. Hmm, why talking like Yoda am I?

Posted: Wednesday, 04 June, 2003 @ 03:19 PM

The rain looks great, you pulled it off well. This reminds me of a scene from some movie... what movie that is, I do not know. But Dib looks like he should be screaming "Thank Youuuu..!"

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