Samantha Nowinski

Yal and Till - Hospital Ward
Yal and Till - Hospital Ward by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Ah yes. Thanks to my dad, we now have Adobe Photoshop 6.0. He downloaded it from Grokster.


Anyway, what's the story behind this picture? Well, in my story, a year after he created Till, Yal caused a laboratory accident that caused a major fire, and toxic liquids got onto his and Till's bodies, and it got to his eye. That's the explanation for how he lost his eye; it got melted (yeah, I know, disgusting). Anyway, they both survived (luckily), except Yal would never get his other eye back, and Till (almost) lost her voice, but she got it back. Here, in this picture it's Yal and Till lying in a medical bed. Yal's holding Till who is asleep, while he just sits up, thinking about something.

The coloring kinda got rid of the stitches that are supposed to be on Till. But I like how I colored this, because it was my first time and all. I don't like Yal's arm, though. It looks too fat. >P Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Finished Work
21y136d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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