Samantha Nowinski

Luc and Tako
Luc and Tako by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Luc and Tako, Chris' characters, hugging as the two drift to sleep..well, Tako already fell asleep. ^^ I find these two so cute together from the roleplays Chris and I had with these two, and there's a unique storyline behind the two. Tako and Luc meet on Earth, but Luc leaves because he's a runaway from the military and he leaves Tako behind with only one thing to remember: just to remember him, and to know that someday he'd return; and Luc did. It's sad, though, because Ziera (Zei's dad and Tako's grandfather) pardoned Luc, and Ziera died before Luc could ever thank him. T_T ::Sigh::...^_^ But still, I loves the storyline behind these two. They're a cute slash couple.

Oh, and just to remind you to all of those slash haters--I will not, and I repeat, will NOT put up an "M" rating just because you can't stand to see two males being romantic and hugging like a girl and a boy would. If you want to complain, fine, but do it somewhere else. Do NOT waste five minutes of my time. "M" ratings are for nudity, strong drug use, and such...NOT for slash pictures. ~_~

Anyway, hope you enjoy it, Chris! ^_^ This is to Chris, who made me nice gift arts! Now...TO SEV'S GIFT ART!! ::Goes off to the drawing board:: Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Finished Work
21y140d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 10:57 PM

^_^ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! that's sooooooooooo cuuuute!!! ::huggles the print out of piccie:: I LOVE THIS!!! ^^ thankies, Sam!!

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