Roisin Marsh

nameless fox/jackal  HE NEEDS A NAME!
nameless fox/jackal HE NEEDS A NAME! by @Foxxie_Angel (Roisin Marsh)

well its a crappy school pic but I like it anyway but he is nameless (the thing next to him is supposed to be a question mark but it looks stupid) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Roisin Marsh

Rough / Concept
21y273d ago
Other Work By @Foxxie_Angel

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 29 October, 2002 @ 11:11 AM

woooooow..... cool TAIL!!!! I like that expression too, it seems to be, i dunno, hard to explain..... i dont like that expression much cause i dont much like that smile, but you drew it really well. but whats that thing next to him? some kinda bomb? cant tell..... GRR!!! i cant think of a good name for him..... im trying to think of one of my names, but he doesnt seem to fit any, specaily not Reshtok...... hmmm, how about...., well, you could always name em Fockle..... but thats pretty dumb..... or Jack.....? GRR! i dunno, shaveis body make em a cutesy batheem in wax call `em Shiney Boy, i got nothing, im horrid at naming other peoples' characters.... where the fuck did I get 'Shiney Boy'?????

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