Terry Lynn M

Mekugya, child of Banthorya
Mekugya, child of Banthorya by @dracothrope (Terry Lynn M)

Thisn's one of the two remaining children of Banth (first pic in the gallery)... through a rather sick conception. She's a mute, and has a way with plants... (you might be able to tell that ^^) Those things over her shoulders are 'wing bars' they're kinda like scuba tanks, cept organic. They store extra gases when in flight, and the skin on 'em between them and the body where not solidly attached (the open space just under the breasts) is very... erg, sensitive. She's a few hundred years old, but a dragon halfling. An old RP character that I'd like to resurrect, someday.

Finished Work
22y15d ago
Other Work By @dracothrope

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