Terry Lynn M

Wye as a Human
Wye as a Human by @dracothrope (Terry Lynn M)

This is what my first Draekard, Wye, would look like if he were a human. I tried to get colours as close to possible on him, too. I didn't want to make his skin completley black, though, or it would make any details invisible. (no nose etc.) I don't like this one as much as Thundar, but I liked making the background. He kind looks like he's floating or something.

Finished Work
22y15d ago
Other Work By @dracothrope

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 19 July, 2002 @ 02:50 AM

Very interesting outfit... Creative ^^ I love the boots, and add the long loincloth with the wierd designs, it's just plain cool! The background is even more creative! Just the strip of color there, it's great.

A suggestion for black skin: do a lot of highlights ^^ Also, try a cool gray rather than a brownish color, like you have now. One last suggestion: it would help the "floating" to make his staff longer. At the moment it doesn't look like it's on the ground.

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