
Fear can turn to love...
Fear can turn to love... by @Isolde (Isolde)

....no, that's not a mushy pic ;-). A friend got me obsessed with the Phantom of the Opera musical. Better late than never, huh?! g But some of the songs are really great, and fun to sing :-). Ahem, as an explanation to this picture...(don't look at the hands, don't look at the hands, argh....) it took me some days, there's so much color on this sheet of paper now...well, I didn't like Christine's dress which she has on on most pics, so I did a different one, when I realized that it was just some sort of morning coat/gown and she wore the real dress underneath, it was already too late :-/. oh, and as always I want that dress!! ;-) Christine is a lucky girl, free lessons from the "angel of music", two men trying to get her...;-) I would have chosen the Phantom, 'cause he's got the best songs and he's cool. To finish my endless writing, will anyone give me money so I can visit that musical??? (j/k) Artwork © Copyright 2003 Isolde Scheurer

Finished Work
21y213d ago
Other Work By @Isolde

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 05 January, 2003 @ 08:37 AM

pretty! lookey all the detail! that is gorgeous! pokes how looong did that take you to do? and what kind of a coloured pencils did you use? :D

if i were you, i would put that up on ebay! :D www.ebay.com
if ya need help with sighning up there, just e-mail me, :D

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