Roisin Marsh

Jealousy:if looks could kill
Jealousy:if looks could kill by @Foxxie_Angel (Roisin Marsh)

Well on three separate occasions now this has happened it seems that a certian person is jealous of my friendship with another person,I wont name anyone lets just call them A and B so I wont be in trouble with both the two people or the site owners now every time the jealous guy (A)see's me talking with my friend (B)he stares at him angrily this is it in order 1 A was at his locker I said "hi" to him and he replied "hi" then B came over and started talking to me A saw him from his locker and looked at him angrily he also watched me to see what I was up to, he didnt like me talking to B

2I was near the lockers again I never got the chance to speak to A but he stared myself and B out of it

3I was waiting to go into a class with B and A was just coming out of the class he smiled at me and said hi then turned to B ant shot him a angry glance therefore if looks could kill B would be dead

"A" need'nt worry I love him not "B" although I still feel mean about it -_-;

Teen (O)
Finished Work
22y228d ago
Other Work By @Foxxie_Angel

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Wednesday, 26 June, 2002 @ 03:15 AM

hes being protective.... how, cute....

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