Al Gonzalez

Haruhara...wha? by @JesterAG (Al Gonzalez)

One of the very, very few fan art peices I've done. A gift for an aquiaintance of mine from a while back.

I'm pretty happy with this image overall. I especially like the way the Vespa ET4 came out and the Les Paul.

As a note: This image is the recipient dressed up as Haruko Haruhara from the very fine six episode series, Furi Kuri. (FLCL for short.)

Any animation student or anime lover owes it to themselves to run out and watch this now. This seires has just blown my mind and I still can't get enough of it 10 times later.

Also, nothing in this image comes from FLCL itself except for the costume. As mentioned earlier, the guitar is a Gibson Les Paul and the Vespa is the new ET4 model. (in the seires, Haruko rides around on a 180SS from the 60s and swings around a rickenbacker bass.)

Finished Work
20y247d ago
Other Work By @JesterAG

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 26 December, 2003 @ 05:46 PM

Wow, I didn't know you were here at Side7 till Amy told me!

I really like the shininess of this picture. The guitar looks great with its orange-y gold glow and subtle lens flare! The vespa and costume turned out pretty slick, too... I'm curious as to why you chose to use a modern guitar and vespa instead of the models used in the show, though... All I can suggest in this picture is to continue working on making your females more feminine-looking, especially in the face.

BTW, I saw FLCL, and for the most part, I didn't care for it... ^^;;;; Guess I'm probably in the minority there... ^^;;

Posted: Saturday, 03 January, 2004 @ 11:20 PM

Hey. I haven't heard from you in a while!

As for why the modern guitar and vespa: That would be because that guitar is the model which the recipient owns herself. (And from what she told me and the pics I saw, it's a dead ringer for her guitar, so I did a bang-up job if I may say so myself. ~_^)

As for the Vespa ET4, it's my favorite model and the easiest to get resource images for, since it is the newest model.

Also, there were no lens flares harmed in the creating of this image. Just lots of different brushes and some noise filters in Photoshop.

Posted: Sunday, 11 January, 2004 @ 12:51 AM

Just For Fun,

Hara Haru Haruko drives a 1972 Vespa 180ss, and her guitar is a Rickenbacker 5 string Bass. [with some sort of chain saw motor in it]

Any way, the pic came out great...oops...I just finished reading the description and I see that you already knew all of the stuffs that I just said...I feel dumb... Points LOOK OVER THERE! Runs away

Posted: Tuesday, 17 February, 2004 @ 01:46 AM

Thanks! And I checked out your pic of that Canti lookin' robot. Very neat! ^_^

Anyhoo, thanks for dropping by, and feel free to look around more and comment on other stuff. this poor li'l gallery gets darned lonely at times.

Posted: Monday, 05 July, 2004 @ 10:59 AM

Cooooooool. I can't say I know Vespas or guitars, but they do look excellent.

My only real nitpick with this is that the background is TOO noisy. It overwhelms all the other stars and planets and things a bit. It certainly does look good though.

The wood of the handle and the strings over it (don't kill me if there's guitar terminology and I don't know it) look real, and the rest of it looks pretty good, just a little more cartoonish, you know what I mean.

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