Caitlin Chaney

Elias Hoag (nekkid!)
Elias Hoag (nekkid!) by @caitchan (Caitlin Chaney)

Sorry for not posting for a coupla months, been really busy w/ schoolwork. Anywho, this be the main villain of my dorky little story, Capt. Elias Hoag. I'm actually posting two pictures of him, one w/ clothes and one w/o cuz I wanted everybody to see his physiology w/o the hindrance of clothes. Hoag is an Islyrdrurian-- their homeplanet is unknown, and rumors claim that they may not even have a homeworld because there are whispers they are a genetically-engineered race. There is a good reason for this theory, as they are almost always employed as assassins because of the miriad of abilites they possess. They are of imposing height, and while they look scrawny, they possess incredible strength and speed. They can see in the dark almost as well as night vision goggles can. Extremely intelligent, the mainstay of their assassin talents is the ability to almost seamlessly blend in to their surroundings(like those aliens in "Signs"). ::shudders:: All beings that know of them fear Islyrdrurians, and many who see one never live to see another.

Finished Work
21y101d ago
Other Work By @caitchan

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