Caitlin Chaney

Capt. Hoag
Capt. Hoag by @caitchan (Caitlin Chaney)

Here he is w/ his captain's togs on. Hoag is a very shrewd and calculating pirate captain, who handpicks a different crew for each mission, afterwards either killing, abondoning, or threatening his crew into silence about whatever went on. He trusts absolutely no one, and no one can ever get close to him. He runs an extremely tight ship and woe to those who step out of line or try to cross him. He learned of Fenny through rumors and promptly kidnapped her for his own uses. But she proved to be rather unbreakable, so she languished in solitary confinement aboard his ship for several months while Hoag tried to figure out how to effectively control her. He would have killed her already if he did not think he still had a chance to harness her abilites. He finally makes a breakthrough in allowing her to escape and come under the protective wing of a crony of one of his underlings. He is patiently biding his time until the opportunity comes to reel her back into his grasp.

Finished Work
21y101d ago
Other Work By @caitchan

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