Chris T.E.

This is SO true...
This is SO true... by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)

LOL! This is always happening to me in real life; being only 4' 11", I'm subject to a lot of arms resting on my head :-p So, I thought I'd draw it out LOL

Random Notes:

1) Guntz is probably representing Andy, my friend in school, and Sekaci is, of course, representing me. ^^;

2) Gantsu + Hair down = dr00l (yay fan girl! lol)

3)Heeeey, even his pits smell sexy! LMAO j/k j/k I'm not THAT sick. :-p

4) I decided not to draw Sekaci in her normal outfit. I think I might need to change it just a weeeee bit; it seems just a little too... uh... well... not like me, let's put it that way. Plus, unlike Guntz, she's not a bounty hunter full time; for Crackers' sake, she's only 14/15 years old :-p LOL

5) The red in Sekaci's hair didn't turn out quite as vibrant as I'd hoped... (which reminds me; I'm due to get my own highlights re-done soon... Gah, how I wuf my hair ^^ lol)

6) I can't believe I forgot to sign it ;_; So, I had to put in that crappy signature once it was all colored and pretty... Oh well, could've been a lot worse. ^^;;

7)...there is no number seven. I just thought that I'd blab about how much cuter I look as a cartoon. :-p Okay, so that WAS number seven, but you don't need to be a nit-pick and point out EVERY mistake I make... :-p LOL

21y51d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Thursday, 19 August, 2004 @ 02:33 AM

Whoa! Even I've got to agree that Guntz looks good with his hair down! I'm a short person too, though i am at least 5ft tall. (don't know exactly how tall i am) The blur-style of coloring gives the image a soft, comforting feeling. Most impressive is that you managed to apply the shading and lighting effects correctly even with the blur style. Excellent attention to detail! I am definitely impressed!

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