Stacey LeBlanc

by @staclebl (Stacey LeBlanc)

A very touchy scene from Book 2 during the battle against Demus I'm just giving out SOOOOOOO many spoliers. Demus just gutted Ailuros with her pitchfork, and after Ailuros breaks it in two with his ax, he falls over to die. Tucker catches him, they do this really touchy scene where Ailuros fusses at Tucker for turning his back on the enemy and helping him when he knows that he should be fighting Demus. Yeah, those are tears. Tucker's ticked, so Demus better watch out... Tucker looks ready to kill...

Yeah, i know, looks like that stupid pose from LoTR where stupid Arwen was taunting the baddies into coming into the river to attack her and frodo, but that was NOT what I had in mind hates Arwen in the movie.

Why am I angry? Well, go to my PAGE and find out.

22y149d ago
Other Work By @staclebl

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Sunday, 10 February, 2002 @ 02:17 AM

I've looked at some of your other artwork, and needless to say I'm very interested in this story of yours. When are you going to get it published? And I hope to God you're illustrating it!! does first comment dance Weeeee!

Posted: Sunday, 10 February, 2002 @ 02:21 AM

--.....Apparently I didn't look at ENOUGH of your pics to realize they were fanart.....--.......Leave me alone.... But anyway, that would be interesting to see some of your art in a Redwall book. Heehee. The Redwall Saga, Stacy LeBlanc edition.

Posted: Sunday, 10 February, 2002 @ 05:44 PM

Fuuu...Yaaay! Mad Tucker! glomps He's really really cool looking!

BTW..More Gingi pics for you on my archive! gleeeee

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