Blaze Hedgehog

"The Ultimate Lifeform" by @blazehgehg (Blaze Hedgehog)

Had to resize this one. It was like, 10 pixels over the 1024 limit. :P So I just resized it. Alot. I don't like loading pants-wettingly big images myself, so I decided to resize this alot.

Basically inspired by all the hinting that was going on in Sonic Adventure 2. I totally screwed the CG over though. Sonic looks like he's made of plastic. Might reCG it one day.

Finished Work
22y46d ago
Other Work By @blazehgehg

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 22 April, 2002 @ 07:21 AM

OOoooo I realy like this one, the colouring on the tank thing is cool, nice light effects. overall an interesting idea.......goes off to play SA2

Posted: Tuesday, 07 May, 2002 @ 03:48 AM

Y'know, I thought that was a robotizier when the thumbnail loaded and was wondering what the heck Sonic was doing standing next to one that appeared to be activated =P

Hints--that Sonic is the ultimate? What kind of hints? I didn't really catch any, then again it's been a long time since I played the game in story-mode. I have my own loony theories about Sonic and Shadow that are somewhat related to that tho ;)

As far as the image itself, damn you are good at drawing backgrounds O.o I can't even draw a field of grass ^_^; The--er, what is that tube anyway? Whatever it is, it looks a little flat. I understand you trying to make it look as though it were glowing, but the inside is just so flat and unrealistic, the things hanging inside don't really help either as they add to the flatness. I'm not sure what you could do to fix that though since strong lightsources and the shading that goes around them isn't a strong point...

Sonic looks great BTW =) The only thing I see wrong with him is his arms are very uneven looking, and his nose seems a little off center.


Posted: Friday, 21 June, 2002 @ 11:50 PM

That is a COOL pic! It's a nice CG. Really cool kinda subject!

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