Kyukon Yamagotchu

Three of Jisp! Gasp!
Three of Jisp! Gasp! by @kyukyama (Kyukon Yamagotchu)

left ta right, is Jisp in her human disguise, then Jisp-human showing her wings as she takes off da neet dark-blue trenchcoat, then Jisp as her regular self. Her favorite colors be black and dark blue. Since you can't really see many of the details in the other pic.. and i forgot to put them there.. ^_^;; i'll leave it here...

Her eyes are dark brown and her skin is kind of a normal Irken green, slightly pale*ish but not really. Her sailor outfit is mostly dark blue, with black ribbons and shoulder thingydoo... her gloves AND boots are black with dark blue striping at the top, and her backpod (which ya can't see) is black with dark blue spots. The Irken symbol is like the one Tak had on the giant weenie stand, only it's dark blue to match everything else! ^^; her hair is black Buttercup*style, and her antennae are Tak*ish too. Her eyelashes are more like Tenn's though. Hm. Zoid to come. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kyukon Yamagotchu

Finished Work
22y6d ago
Other Work By @kyukyama

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