Kyukon Yamagotchu

Mmbwaaahahaha... be afraid.... be very afraaid....
Mmbwaaahahaha... be afraid.... be very afraaid.... by @kyukyama (Kyukon Yamagotchu)

bwahahahahaha! This is the newest creation out of my rather screwy and messed up mind! ^_^ Her name is Jisp, and she's me. Or rather, a representative of me. Whatever. That's me, in essence. "Jisp" actually is a result of trying to say Ispg, pronounced isp-gee. Somehow that converted itself to Pig Latin so I made it Jisp to make it easier to say. ISPG stands for Irken Sailor Powerpuff Gargoyle, as she is a mix of most of my favorite shows! ^^ The other three favorites reveal themselves in her battle Zoid, the Super Speed Hamster Zoid, aka Jytre (pronounced yai-trey). That's mixing Sonic, Hamtaro (squee!), and Zoids. I was going to throw a few more things into the mix, but I decided against it... muahaha.. So anyway, this be Jisp in her Sailor Scouty looking uniform. More to come. fwahahaha... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kyukon Yamagotchu

Finished Work
22y7d ago
Other Work By @kyukyama

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