blushu Thank you so much!
^_^;;;; It was painstaking at 700x the image going pixel by pixel, but I figured I was probably just doing it the hard way.
You really like it though? grins That means a lot, thank you!
Seffie Aaron
^_^; Now that that's out of the way, the part I did was 3 hours worth of coloring in Adobe Photoshop :P
Ashley is awesome at drawing, and if anyone likes her style I'd be happy to show you more pictures. is our website for the RPG.
Thank you for viewing!
Copy right belongs to Ashley, btw.
Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind
Your welcome!! ANd i do mean it! Hey have you tryed makeign sure all the dark black lines were in and thne goign to layer and goign new layer and mutply and that will alow you to go with colors over the dark lines and stuff like a colorng book instead of acdently killing one of the dark lines.
XD I remember the night you colored this! I can't remember exactly what I was doing O_o But I remember talking to you while you worked XD Talk about a long night! But in the end, you can tell that all that work was worth it ^^ It came out beautiful! :)
DUDE! thats so cool. Love the hair coloring!