Haley Brown

Mana Lookin' Sparkley
Mana Lookin' Sparkley by @NK (Haley Brown)

wow, I think it's my first pic of Mana. ^^.;;; Why haven't I drawn him before now?? :P & would I if it wasn't a commission?..;;;; Aaanyway, I think it looks pretty good. ^-^. (but ew, what color did his stalkings scan as? ><.; That's blue, people.;;; ) I was also gonna put lace on his hand & legs, but I gotta give this to the guy before school ends, & I didn't have the right screentone or any confidence in my ability to draw lace. :P ..;; There are some things about this that look wrong sometimes, but other times don't.. 99.; people haven't mentioned it tho, any noticeable mistakes? ^^.; I'm gonna shut up now...

Finished Work
20y364d ago
Other Work By @NK

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 10 June, 2003 @ 11:45 AM

O.O;!! This is seriously one of the most awesome things I have seen. :D :D :D The hair ish all ... blue... and shiny! o.o;; I feel like one of those pidgeon-type things that's drawn to shiny stuff. Shifty eyes Anyhow, ish sooooo pretty =D..... <-- Drool. The eyes that you draw are really lifelike and very cute and detailed, me likes muchos. o.O; (No hablo espanol?) The pose is very nice ^_^ I needa go look at more of your artwork! :D Runs off

Posted: Tuesday, 10 June, 2003 @ 05:08 PM

Very pretty! I love the colors. Aw, man, you need to keep some of your 'old crappy drawings' (which I bet they are NOT) up for us to compare and see how far you've come along!


Posted: Thursday, 12 June, 2003 @ 07:15 PM

...you drew Mana. You know this means I officially love you now, right? ^_^ Anyway, I just love the eyelashes...they're so delicate and pritty. ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 25 June, 2003 @ 09:21 AM

I love how you did this picture!!! The blooness...blue's my fav color. Great shading ^_^

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