Lady Amberjo

Motivation - sketch
Motivation - sketch by @Lady_Amberjo (Lady Amberjo)

I don't usually upload sketches, but this one's been in progress for so long, I figured what the heck.

Biggest and most detailed picture I've ever drawn. It's going to be a total pain to ink...hopefully, tho', it'll look a bit better once it's finished. continues to glare at Jounouchi He looked better on paper...tho' I did have fun trying to adapt his hair to my style (I refuse to draw hair as a solid mass. REFUSE.)...Kaiba, oddly enough, looks better on the computer than he does on paper.

Finished version coming soon. Hopefully.

19y305d ago
Other Work By @Lady_Amberjo

Comments & Critiques (8)

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Posted: Tuesday, 13 July, 2004 @ 11:14 PM

Ooh... how lovely. ^^ I feel like I've waited ages for you to actually finish this (well, finish the sketch of it).

I really like Jounouchi in this one, and if he looks better on paper than on the computer, it really must be wonderful. ^^ The different styles you used, especially on him, really stand out and make it special, and it's much more interesting than just using the normal, "standard" style appearances....

The expressions are all so lovely, and the detail in the hair and clothing folds looks very very hard....

I'm very much looking forward to seeing the completely completed version of this....

Posted: Tuesday, 13 July, 2004 @ 11:23 PM

snugs Thanks for commenting. Well...technically, I've been working on it since around the time I met you, so...you technically have been waiting ages. ^_^;

Shizuka's folds were the hardest...Jou's were just kind of...there. Heh. And Kaiba took all of two days, while Jou's shoulders alone took next-to-forever to get them remotely even...

Hopefully I'll get the inking and coloring done by the end of the week...this thing's been sitting around too long as it is...

Posted: Thursday, 15 July, 2004 @ 06:23 AM

Awesomeness! Joey is my favorite part of this picture. I always have trouble drawing characters looking right at you, but you pulled it off wonderfully. His expression conveys so much determination! The sketch version is just lovely. I hope when you get the colored version up, you'll leave the sketch version here, too. Serenity looks really sweet and patient. Your Kaiba needs a bit of work, I think, especially on the hair, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. ^__^ And I'm still waiting for you to draw Rishid! ^O^ I'm eager to see what sort of style you'll come up with for him.

Posted: Thursday, 15 July, 2004 @ 11:59 PM

Thanks for commenting!

Oi, Kaiba...let's just say that this picture has been an on-and-off project for a very long time (Shizuka was finished sometime in September, actually, along with Jou's face...then it was put aside for a loooong while, taken out every now and then between exams to work on), and by the time I got to Kaiba, my patience had sort of snapped. Didn't help that I've never drawn him before (save as a deformed chibi) and the pose was...less than easy with no references...suffice it to say, the poor boy will probably end up like Malik in the last picture...glared at while I think to myself "I'll draw him better later...let's just get this picture done..."

...I did have such fun designing a new (Legato-inspired!) outfit for him, tho'...must do that again sometime...

points to the weird black line on Jounouchi's forehead Look! It's the shadow of a bug that was on the window I was next to!

Rishid? snicker I'll probably end up making him overly pretty...I seem to do that with a lot of characters...comes of reading too much shoujo manga^_^;; Thanks again for commenting!

Posted: Friday, 13 August, 2004 @ 10:23 AM

I'm loving your style of drawing the YGO cast here, Laj. I must admit that Jou's hair was kind of a shock at first because I'm so used to seeing it as a solid mass, yet giving it this texture adds a nice quality to it and serves to show that you've given lots of time, effort and care into making this image. Your folds are amazing. It's like I could reach out and feel the silkiness of Shizuka's blouse.

I know how it feels to finally snap after spending so much time working on a picture that you start to lose steam. Like on my Ishtar drawing, I lost it with Malik. I didn't really have an idea for a pose in mind so he's just sort of there in the background and without as much care spent drawing him as Isis and Yami no Malik.

The only problem I see with this image is Kaiba's hand. It looks like it should be placed slightly up because where it is now makes it seem like he's grasping nothing instead of his elbow. Other than that it's an awesome picture and I can't wait to see the final inked and colored version. ^_^

Posted: Friday, 13 August, 2004 @ 11:57 PM

Yeee, what a long, lovely comment you've left me! tackles

Heh, my little cousin said the same thing in regards to Jou's hair...then added that I made him look like a girl. Gotta love those younger cousins. -_-;

Folds were actually one of the things I wanted to work on, and learned to do for this picture....I don't know if it's physically possible for fabric to wrinkle like Shizuka's blouse is wrinkled, but I like it nonetheless. ^^;

Bah, Kaiba...he plagues me...especially that hand. Was the last thing drawn on the picture, after much glaring at the boy in general...let's just pretend he is grasping at nothing, hm? XD

Thanks again for the lovely comment. ^.^

Posted: Monday, 16 August, 2004 @ 03:58 AM

Ooooh! This is purtiful!!! XD Sketches are nothing to be ashamed of and often show if the person truly has any talent! This is very nice and I can't wait to see what the finished product will be. I have a suggestion for Seto-kun's hair though. The back should maybe lay down a bit, becoming less full and towards the back of the top of his head needs to come up a bit, it looks slightly flat. ^^;;;; But I LOVE Jou's hair! I struggle with trying to draw solid hair as well, unless it's someone like Seto-kun, I suppose . . .

Posted: Monday, 16 August, 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Yee, thanks so much for the detailed comment ^_^

I think what I was aiming for with Kaiba's hair was...er, y'know how in Takahashi's styled images, the hair seems to come to a right angle in the back a lot of the time?...something to that effect, but not. ^^; But thanks for the suggestion...polite constructive criticism is hard to find nowadays...

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