Shayleigh Duval

Shay Dog
Shay Dog by @Rharwen (Shayleigh Duval)

As I am known in school as dog girl I decided it's finally time to draw myself in a furre self portrait.... although this is moreover what I /want/ to look like, it's still a fair interpretation. I love her to peices although she's supposed to be me and I hate myself.... I'm being just a little bit weird tonight but give me your comments and I will give you..... meta-physical candy. And by the way, When a guy tries to sweep you off your feet, it's in your best intrest to kick him in the face and run... especially if you've never met him before. That was my schpeel for today, love me for I am CUTE!!! Sketchbook paper w/ primsma color (scholar) Drawn in - CALM 20 (Career and life management Grade 11 course) class

20y10d ago
Other Work By @Rharwen

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