@Rharwen || Profile
Shayleigh Duval
Being a student and a artist = ebil. not evil but ebil. A sugar coated evil indeed. :P but anyway onto who I am. As previously stated I am a femme, I understand english, scanner(xD), and a little bit of french and japanese. I love animals and I have two. A fluffy white heavy dog, Ben. and my hellcat, Key of C minor. SHE IS EVIL!!!! Anyway, I will do commisions, actually, I love doing commisions but, I am not a good artist so I don't expect any.... umm, I am a fantasy buff, although I can't really say that cause I still have not seen, LOTR Return of the king. I know, I'm pathetic. I am seen as a freak in my community for my theriantrope likeness, I am a were through and thru. Anyway, onto my art..... whenever I'll post some.... o.o (if you haven't noticed yet, I like waterfalls.)(if it still doesn't say my e-mail addy, it's rharwen@hotmail.com)