Patricia Green

Fire Cat
Fire Cat by @SolarGriffin (Patricia Green)

Did the world stop spinning? Did I actually CG something? --; Man I am so lazy... I didnt even take the time to do it properly. took so many shortcuts on adobe it should have been illegal Oh well... At least there is color...

This is the fire cat morph of my main RP character Patricia Greene. I probably should have put up a picture of her normal self... But she is human. And I cant draw humans. So there is only this ^^;

This "pretty kitty" is about the size of a male lion, just to give you a reference scale. There is a whole lot of other crud I could right about her but, meh, I wont bore you =P

Finished Work
20y121d ago
Other Work By @SolarGriffin

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 02 March, 2004 @ 05:38 AM

Wow, he looks beautiful! Angry a bit, though. =3 I like his golden color, great done! ^_^


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