CyberCorn Entropic

Fire Leptic
Fire Leptic by @Roadstripe (CyberCorn Entropic)

Common among the spiritual beliefs of ancient leptictidium were the [i]tonnu[/i] (plural [i]tonnui[/i]). Although often translated as "gods", [i]tonnu[/i] should more accurately be called "anthropomorphic personifications". They weren't worshiped so much as invoked as guiding influences during shamanistic ceremonies. They featured in a number of myths, but usually never personally interacted with mortals. Oddly enough, [i]tonnu[/i] typically weren't portrayed in an anthropomorphic manner in ancient times (at least not what leptics would consider "anthropomorphic"), perhaps to emphasize the [i]tonnui[/i]s' connection to whatever it is they're personifying.

Four (and later five) of the most powerful [i]tonnui[/i] were those related to the elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and the later addition of Spirit. The [i]tonnu[/i] of Fire was Kuroffi, often seen in art as a tiger-striped female leptic with a mane and tail puff of fire. (It should be noted that real leptics don't have stripe patterns like those of tigers nor puffs of hair or anything else at the ends of their tails.)

According to modern portrayals, thunderstorms were the results of her fighting with the [i]tonnu[/i] of Air, Tiblof, but this is a bowdlerization of the original myths. Originally, while Tiblof was still considered an unwilling participant in their confrontation, Kuroffi wasn't exactly beating him up.

Art © 2010 Marvin E. Fuller

Finished Work
13y185d ago
Other Work By @Roadstripe

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 10 November, 2010 @ 03:51 AM
Rating: 5

I like this idea :) I don't see many leptics around.

Posted: Wednesday, 10 November, 2010 @ 08:13 PM

Thank you. :)

I agree, there aren't a whole lot around, yet. D.M.Falk of FurAffinity has been pushing for more leptics and has been slowly succeeding. However, there's still about only 20-some on DeviantArt (searching with "leptictidium") and about 15 on FurAffinity (using both "lepti" and "leptictidium" – only two or three qualify as mature), so there's still a ways to go to make them popular prehistoric critters. :P

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