Kelly Marie

Dib and the Bitterpiller
Dib and the Bitterpiller by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

Inspired by the wonderful ever so talented Spectra65, I just had to draw this picture of Dib and Bitters as a catterpiller. not to mention Jhonencat is in there too..hehehe..^^

Finished Work
22y125d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 02 March, 2002 @ 10:28 PM

AAAHHHHH!! OH MY GOD THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!! : D I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOOOOVVVVEEEE IT!!!Oh, man... Must... calm... down... Ten minutes later Okay, I'm done spazzing out now. Well, mostly. I'm honored that an artist with your talent would draw a thing that I inspired you with ^-^ Your drawings, and especially your beautiful coloring, never stop amazing me! I'm still in awe of how you color stuff, and this one is no exception. I'm just... wow, I'm totally worshiping you right now ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 09 March, 2002 @ 09:36 PM

OoOoOoOo...I LOVE it entirely. Alice in Wonderland and Invader Zim....i'm so happy i lost feeling in my head, so i probably don't seem it, The Jhonen Cat watches me.... shudders ...my cheshire cat picturs may never amount to Jhonen's inhuman perfection (captureed to the last detail, BTW.) I am obsessed with all of these. I should put some Zim pics into my gallery...nah. I sucked at it when i drew them. I can't master Jhonen's style. you can. crawls back into hole in the wall and writes little horror stories I want to give you a muffin. Heyz...i could probably start drawing Irkens and such again, i might be better now, howzah'bout trade art? Pleeease? I'll give you a muffin....

Posted: Friday, 22 March, 2002 @ 06:31 AM
One word: Wow...
I go back to stunned-stupid mode now.
Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 03:00 PM

lol! bitter piller bitter piller bitter piller!!!! I love that name it rimes!!! lol I love Dib's face expresion! KEEEP DRAWIN!!!!! Invader K.C. (Zim's girl friend) ^..^s

Posted: Saturday, 04 January, 2003 @ 05:28 PM

ee! i'm exploding! ^_^ happiness cannot be expressed in words ee! a GIRriffic day this has been indeedy-doo.


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