JC Robinson

Mek in his hospital bed
Mek in his hospital bed by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

Man...that room is ugly. Anyway, this is a picture from an RP I did with Cartman's Girl (She's the only one who RP's my characters with me -.-; ) wehre Mek's antenna got snapped and he might not be able to walk again. Zim's the one who did it which is why he looks so guilty.

Around the doorway are the onlookers. Starting from the bottom left is: Erg, then Sarch, at the top is Lyrt, then Skirp and the bottom right is Wuffy. I hope this one looks as good as it did in photoshop. =Þ Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

Finished Work
22y87d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 11:49 AM

Zim! I love zim! :D

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 02:26 PM

lol! Zim's all guilty-like! Awww... he so CUTE! hehe! Lookit everyone peekin in! Let's just hope that evil evil Mek person doesn't take out his... umm... wrathness on Zim. If he does, he'll be visited with a certain angry Pyro and her Flamey Duo! ^.^

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 08:54 PM

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Go rip him to pieces Mek!! MEK!! I like how everyone else is peering in. How did Lyrt get on the ceiling? Just kidding! Is aw so cute!! ^.~

Posted: Thursday, 27 June, 2002 @ 03:21 PM

AW! This is cute! It looks like it hurts. Anyway, I got that picture of my Mek up. Enjoy.


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