Ehren Hatten

Snape and McGonagall
Snape and McGonagall by @ehrehatt (Ehren Hatten)

okay... I think ya kind of have to be inside my brain in order to understand this one.

It's Snape and McGonagall after they've been turned back into Teenagers again. Sirius and Lupin are teens and so is Trelawny. They have all been turned into teenagers.

Sirius accidently knocked over Astra's potion and it spilled all over the teachers assembled. It turned the minds and bodies back to 17. Sirius thinks Harry is James and thinks he is a god. (he has no ego)

Trelawny and McGonagall get into more cat fights than should be allowed. Snape gets his butt pummelled everytime he opens his mouth.

This is all in my 7th yr story, which I am currently writing. My friend Celia thought up the potion. I threw in a Karaoke contest and spin the bottle. Andrea threw in the twist on spin the bottle. Just another day at hogwarts!

anyway. Snape notices McGOnagall is kind of cute and he is making her blush. That's basically what's happening.

Anyway.... Harry Potter Fanart. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Ehren Hatten

Finished Work
22y171d ago
Other Work By @ehrehatt

Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Thursday, 18 April, 2002 @ 11:02 AM

Er... JKR herself said in an interview that McGonagall was "a sprightly 70". Dame Maggie Smith was one of her first casting choices for McGonagall. The books never said that McGonagall was young when she taught James and company; only that she was around at the time. And my mother will be 60 this year, and still has black hair. It's called hair dye. ^_^

Still, this is not to say that a picture of a cute teenage Snape and McGonagall making eyes at each other is not a very cute thing indeed. Which it is. ^_^

Posted: Thursday, 18 April, 2002 @ 02:36 PM

Okay... so I'm a nutcase then....

I just always imagined her as a woman in late forties. Oh well... I guess I must've imagined that part about being young when james and crew were there. I'm just a nimboid, I guess.

Unfortunately, I think I'll always draw McGonagall like the picture I've got somewhere in my archive. I think part of the reason for the look has to do with my reading Mauo's doujinshi. He has McGonagall looking the same way. Though he draws her looking MUCH younger than I do.

Posted: Tuesday, 25 June, 2002 @ 06:29 PM


Posted: Wednesday, 03 July, 2002 @ 11:03 AM

Although I'm not a big fan of Snape/McGonagall, I DO like the pic. Especially the look on McGonagall's face. As for her being a 'sprightly 70', she could be 70 and still look 40. I think that wizards age more slowly than Muggles. shrugs Anyway, excellent pic and I'd like to read the fic it's based on, whenever you get it finished.

Posted: Wednesday, 24 July, 2002 @ 12:06 AM

I love the fact that snape and mcgonagall were ment for each other... I say mcgonagall uses a spell to make herself look older... but by the sounds of it from the book if you look really carefully you'll notice those two are always together when harry and co gets in ttrouble. and i you look carefully in the movie you'll also notice that it looks like snape's hand is on mcgonagall's rear. and both mcgonagall and snape had the "Why did you disturb us while we were busy" look. also quirrel was also looking at mcgonagall's rear and looked as if snape was staring quirrel off!

Posted: Wednesday, 24 July, 2002 @ 03:40 PM

WOW! Haha.... this is cool...! heh...

Yeah... I thought it was a good idea when I started writing H-A 5yr. In yr6, Astra and Nevaeh come up with a love potion that gets spilled into MacGonnagal and Snape's drinks. Then, someone else gets hit with the love potion! It's gonna be great!

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