Anne E. Gipple

Art 133 Sketchbook Project Design 2
Art 133 Sketchbook Project Design 2 by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Sekhmet in red ink. I love my inkees. Yess I dooo...

Does she look like she has arthritis to anyone else? I mean, she's like 5000 years old, but I didnt mean to do that.

22y258d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Monday, 08 October, 2001 @ 12:22 AM

I see no arthritis here. Actually, I think the knuckles and parts of the hand could use more definition. But then, I have long bony fingers, so that's what I'm used to seeing.

I love the shaaading on this, it shows all the forms nicely.

Give her some chocolate or catnip, will ya? That's one evil glare.

my art: www.side7.com/art/daniwill

Posted: Monday, 08 October, 2001 @ 01:17 AM

She does NOT loo arthritic to me.. she looks like she's gathering her strength before kicking someone's arse :) If I were going to nitpick anything, I think her arms could be a bit more muscular. Do more with inks - this medium suits you!

Posted: Sunday, 21 October, 2001 @ 04:41 AM

Yow. She DOES look mad. Red suits her. :) I'd like to see your version of Set, if I haven't missed it anywhere...

If you ever put the writing up on your own website I'd LOVE to read it! (Call me obsessed. Heh heh. ^_^ )

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