Nikki Star

Side Effect of not eating all day by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

Yeah...based on real life events. I ate lunch at like 1 or something. It was about an hour after I woke up at 12. Anyway, I ate that, put on my bands (for my teeth grins) and did stuff. I guess I kept forgeting or doing something I though was more important...Like learning "Annie' Song" on guitar, playing Um Jammer Lammy, reading Fan Fiction, talking to peoples, hanging around the forums, and drawing....Like when I drew this! :D Anyway, it's ok, though. Like it says it the picture, I'm getting Chicken Fajita. Yes, my parents are bringing me food....yay!

Ok, the picture is drawn in like this new style I invented. A lot less human, a incy bit of anime, and mostly cartoony. Whatchya think? ^^ I have another style thats all Cartoony, but those horrendious sketch pages will probably never leer up on S7. Yup...well, what are doing? Review it!!! Review it, you VAMPIRE MONKEY!!!

If you wanna know, the t-shirt says: "Help! I need some food!" It's a reference to the beatle's song, but not a very good reference. Um..yeah...THE BEATLES ROCKS!!! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nikki Star

Finished Work
21y320d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

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