Nikki Star

Result of TAKS Test #1: Teh Taks Test, with a special guest! by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

Whee! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. With school starting, I've had a lot less time then all that time I had in the summer. Anyway, I have drawn a lot of stuff, though. Really, I'm just too lazy to scan it all :P

Anyway, back to the point, on wednesday we had to take a friggin standardized test. It used to be called the TAAS (Texas Assesment of Accademic Skills) test (those in Texas probably know what I'm talking about), but they decided to make it harder and rename it, TAKS(Texas Assesment of Knowledge and Skills). Ok, so that test had to be the WORST possible test created! Not only was it a little hard, but there were like 7 or 10 mistakes in it, so we couldn't answer a bunch of them! X( The only up side was that it was short. Only 40 questions, yup. Did I mention that it was a math test? Ok...there is also a reading one, but you'll hear my rant on that one later.

Ok, so what does that have to do with this picture? Well, at the very end I got really bored and started drawing on the booklet. On the last page (I was really surprised when I saw it was only 40 questions) I drew a picture of noodle boy saying it wasn't that hard. I liked the idea so much I decided to add a cartoony version of myself in there. Hence, I wanted to redraw it in my sketch pad. I made it a little bigger and added some different dialogue then in the original, but all in all, I like it good. Whatchya think? Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nikki Star

21y306d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

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