Kelly Marie

Bid and Dibs card
Bid and Dibs card by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

I did this on Adobe...but just like Zimmas card..this was the first one I did before that one.

Finished Work
22y277d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Friday, 18 January, 2002 @ 10:42 PM

I used to like Jhonen Vasquez and Invader Zim. However, fans such as you make it disturbing and pathetic to even keep up with the times. I don't want to sound like I'm nagging, however Jhonen honestly HATES writing for Zim anymore. It's fanart and fan crap that spawns at such a rapid rate, he's soon to quit with the show. I've enjoyed Jhonen all the way from the begining when he scribbled on receipts at a bookstore all the way to his new comic "Devi." A word of advice on this piece and future ones, Leave the poor man alone. Zim has been molested enough for one lifetime. If you don't agree hear some more comments at my friend's section at:


Posted: Tuesday, 07 May, 2002 @ 09:59 PM

Well... I don't see a problem. I like it, and besides, if he would just KEEP OFF OF THE NET, then he wouldn't know about the slashing and the fanart and the stuff. Also, he should hand Zim to someone else he knows and get to work on animating Nny like I say he should. He should. He really should.

Posted: Friday, 28 June, 2002 @ 03:33 AM

Looks at the first comment on here. Blinks. Blinks again. Makes a face Jeez, what a moron >: P Ah well, there are just those jerks out there who like to ruin stuff for everyone. What kind of logic does this idiot subscribe to anyway? If Jhonen didn't WANT fans, then why does he submit his work for the entire world to see? Huh? HUH!? shakes head Some people -_-;;
Sorry to drudge up bad comments, but this guy really burns me. And for all his whining it hasn't stopped the IZ fandom one bit, so NYAH to him : P But to more pleasant stuff, I like the pic anyway, and I still think your teenage Dib is so cute ^^ By the way, I don't know if you've been informed, but Bid is definately going in my big Unholy Legion of Dib Fangirls pic. I'd be more than happy to include your character in it ^-^ Okay, I done now.

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