Bridgette Berry

Fancy Meeting You Here...
Fancy Meeting You Here... by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

I'd like to thank Tif for suggesting this as well as giving me the Lenore references. ^^

I don't like how the proportions came out, but I do like the CG for the characters.. I hate the background. o.o;; You see, THAT is why I don't do my own backgrounds! But I guess the only way I can get better at it is if I do it more.. so yeah.. from now on, I'll be doing my own BGs.. shudder

I like Zim's expression. ^-^ He looks a bit off model to me, though, as does Gir.. Ah well.. how's Lenore look? I've never read any of the comics.. she's so disturbingly cute, though. ^^

Finished Work
22y87d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 08:04 PM

Your picture is SOOOOOOOOOO KEWL! It's soooo sad that they stopped making Invader Zim. :( Oh well just remember DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOOOOOOOOOOM!

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 08:55 PM

I LOVE Zim's expression! It perfectly captures his utter disgust! I love it!! Gir's so funny! Lenore looks perfect. I looked at that and said "Lenore". ^.~

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 11:54 PM
GIR: I'm gonna poke its butt!
Lenore: Kitty is broken...
Zim: Mother of IRK! What the??

Anyhoo. From left to right... Cute/spooky, kawaii, cute/perfect expression! I do agree, GIR and ZIM seem a little 'off model', but they do look good! I love the background, honestly. It's great for a 'first try'. I like the tree... ^^

Posted: Sunday, 07 April, 2002 @ 01:27 AM

AH! Kawaii! This is even better than I'd imagined it would be! Isn't that an adorable meeting? My, the kooky adventures those three...four could have together. [snicker] Someone needs to write a fic now. Love the pic, love the background (especially the color scheme, so pretty!), and LOVE their adorable expressions!

Posted: Monday, 08 April, 2002 @ 01:36 AM

LOl! Zim's expression is priceless! You did a great backround. The proportions look good as well..so dun worry.. it's better than I coudl ever do.

Posted: Monday, 08 April, 2002 @ 03:08 AM

This is so cute! I like how you drew Human*Zim. I dun recall you drawing much of him humanized. O.o you shooooould!

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