Prety! Your artwork has improved since I last saw it! Nice colouring job :D
Jamie Lee
I like the name Rapid. Sue me. Anyway, Matrixx recently showed me a Rock(Mega)Man community and I've recently been developing an interest in the games/storyline. Well, I decided to make my own char. I originally wanted her to resemble my furry char Jamie (Hence the long hair) but last minute decided to make her more original and give her a new color scheme. Now she just looks like a Zero ripoff or something. sweatdrops I put those nun-chuakus in her hand because that happens to be one of my favorite martial arts weapons and it seems blasters and laser swords and such are so cliché in RM.
Anyway, gaze at the horror that is my mouse art and run away to gouge yer eyes out with spoons from the horrible pain it causes. Ugh.
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Looks very nice. You seem to have the MMX style down nicely. Personally, I would have used a darker shade of green to blend better with the purple, but that's just me. Overall, I like it.