Rebecca Mason

A picture of all the Sayains....hey what are you guys doing in there?!
A picture of all the Sayains....hey what are you guys doing in there?! by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

LOL!..well I finally did that pic of all the Pure Blood Sayains and Demi Sayains....thing is I kinda put in all the guys too ^^; Vegeta just stands there pouting and Bardock is smiling at Quartina, Quartina just stands there smiling and Goku (who's fringe looks a bit long) just smiles at the camera and Radditz growls as a baby Jeice pulls on his tail, Then there's Trunks standing with his little sister Bra, Pan (and yeah so she's a quarter Sayain..but she's still a Sayain) stands near her daddy Gohan, Quatre just waves to the camera and he's with his little sister Katrina who just smiles at the camera and then there's Goten who's also waving at the camera. Then we have the guys ^^; Heero is meant to be looking and sweatdropping as he sees what Wufei's doing, Wufei's waving his arms franticly and waving at the camera, Krillin sweatdrops at seeing what Wufei's doing, Yamcha just laughs nervously as little Jeice pulls on Radditz's tail while Tien offers to help by getting Jeice off Radditz's tail, Trowa tries to get them to hurry up otherwise the camera'll get them too..whereas Piccolo just says that they hadn't planned on Jeice taking a liking to Radditz's tail. Heh and "Tangerine" is Jeice's nickname ^_^;;

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y6d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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