Rebecca Mason

The Proff and Lt....4 young Sayain soldiers and baby Quartina with her father's wristband.
The Proff and Lt....4 young Sayain soldiers and baby Quartina with her father's wristband. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Heheee, a pic of the Proff (when he was around 40) and the LT discussing matters..the L.T tells his soldiers to bring in coffee while the Proffesor states that he can't see how that'll help with the men's work..and a little Quartina just watches them puzzled. The next pic is of Bardock, Celipa (yeah..e-heh I finally found out her actual name ^_^; ) and Toma awaiting training..and as you can see a young Nappa is sneaking away (and yeah he looks more like a little Heero with a tail..:: Shrugs:: ) I'd say their no more than 5 years old. And lastly a little Quartina playing around with her dad's (Toma) wristband.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y8d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 07 July, 2002 @ 09:12 AM

:: laughs:: I love the sayjin kids Toma: oooooohhhh what is it? Bardock: It's a wall Toma. Toma: :: gasps:: wow....a wall... Nappa: :: as he's walking off:: losers.

Me gonna drink coffee now...byebye mmmm coffee

Posted: Saturday, 20 July, 2002 @ 08:24 PM

XD! ::Steals the chibi Nappa and smoothers him with kisses.:: Sooo cute :D

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