Jessica Gonzalez

Lavinia Nailo
Lavinia Nailo by @Dark_Maiden_Kira (Jessica Gonzalez)

Lavinia here is another little character I conjured up for Neverwinter Nights. Strangely, she’s an elfling, but I used the halfling template for her race and just called her an elfling. She was an apprentice of Fenthick Moss for a little while, and was left in his care after the death of her mother. For an unknown reason, she delved into the black arts and was banished from Neverwinter. She was later killed and became a vampire, soon slaying her own master. For many years, she made her home in a grove near Luskan, and even the pirates and thieves of the city are afraid to go near her. Unlike most vampires who enjoy killing, she kills only to feed, and enjoys toying with people’s emotions. I’ll probably write her into my fanfic as an NPC, it’ll make things more interesting ^_^

Finished Work
20y17d ago
Other Work By @Dark_Maiden_Kira

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 22 June, 2004 @ 04:00 AM

This is quite a coincedence, I've recently completed a drawing, and the hair color on it is very close to the color you chose here. The proportions are done well, and so is the shading, good job. Only thing i would mention needs work are the hands. one of them seems like a box, and the other looks like it's in an impossible position. (left to>>>> right) Otherwise, really good job, i like the color of the eyes.

Sincerely, Ikaika

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