:D!!! He's got shaggy hair! GANGSTA sheep! u.u
Darius and Butthead by @lynne (Lynne)
I don't think I've got sheep fleece down yet at ALL 9.9; Anyway! :D Another of the pictures I drew at Windward, this is of two of the rams... Darius (on the left, he's the Karakul ram, two years old) and Butthead (he's actually castrated, not really a ram, but he's a yearling and THINKS he's a ram).
I saw them standing just like this when Darius' pen was let out to graze. Butthead kept charging the fence trying to headbutt with Darius, but kept being brought up short by it. And Darius was just standing there watching him like.. "yeah, whaaaatever, kid". It was so cute, so I drew it ^-^ Or tried to. o_o
Sheep fleece is tough to color. 9.9;
Finished Work
20y222d ago
^.^ aawwwwwwwwwww! They are SO cute!! XD Darius is a very handsome sheep. :D AWWWW! ^-^ The sheeeep! ^-^ They make me happy -meggo!