
VIVAGON by @lynne (Lynne)

About time this got done. x.x I swear I've never done so much design work for one stinking picture!! I've been working on design of the Vivagon ALL WEEK!!

Anyway... u.u... it's a horrible joke. It was an idea Bast and I came up with in Reno... I was sketching her and Mozart as Dragons and it wasn't working too well, but I said I should draw a picture of Vivaldi as a Dragon.. clinging possessively to a hoard of Stradivarius violins :D Cuz he so would. He's also got his rosary in this picture, cuz it needed a priesty touch.. Bast wanted me to put a Roman collar on him but I thought that woulda been too tacky. u.u;; He's also in a CRYPT. Because Vivikins likes crypts and skeletons are his only friends.

Refined Sketch 1 Refined Sketch 2 Sketch of this drawing

Finished Work
19y312d ago
Other Work By @lynne

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 12 August, 2004 @ 11:19 PM


His scaley scaley skinny skin skin looks like laval or something o_o And EEEEEEEEEE that's so NEAT! XD!! It's TOTALLY Vives!! :D!!! Him and his Strads! 8D! AWESOME picture, Lynney.

Posted: Thursday, 12 August, 2004 @ 11:26 PM

Lovely lovely Strads for a hoard.

I love him !

May he make the music forever !

[ Yao_Chi's Biography ]

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