Kelly Marie

KingdomHearts2 Jack
KingdomHearts2 Jack by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

I totally messed up on Jacks cape and all but, this is what I think what he would look like if the people at Disney would make him alittle more heroic looking in the game. I highly doubt that they would ever put him in the Second one but I could wish couldn't I? anyway. to make a long story short, Sallys heart was taken and as you can see, Jack is MAD!!!!!!! Well thats it I hope you like it.

Finished Work
21y26d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 11 June, 2003 @ 02:41 PM

Ah! I absolutely ADORE Kingdom Hearts! It's like, my most favoritest game in the entire universe. And I also love "The Nightmare Before Christmas!" (I'm so happy it has a level in the first Kingdom Hearts!) Anyway, I can't tell that you messed up on Jack's cape. (It looks great! Really!) And I soooo thought Sally should have been one of the Princesses of Heart. I was soooo disappointed when I found out she wasn't! But, overall, the pic is great. I think it's the best "Nightmare Before Christmas" pic you've done!

Posted: Tuesday, 02 September, 2003 @ 12:13 PM

.... blink. blink.....

oo this is beautiful.

grinz Apseloutely love it.... You've got such an awesome line style. Something about the thickness and the way it just plain flows.... the fabric here's stunning, in folds and all. You could have softened the circle of jack's head a bit more, it seems rough by the top, and his left hand's a little too small- but still, a great pic. ^^

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