David P

So bored...
So bored... by @Veridianedge (David P)

Wow... it's been WAY too long since I've added anything to this gallery. It's funny, I was just thinking earlier today, "My style hasn't changed that much over the last few years, has it?" Of course, I didn't have any 16-month-old examples in front of me at the time, either. This really makes me realize how much I've improved and grown as a character artist. But enough reminiscent rambling, on to the pic.

This here's a nice pic of me I just finished coloring this morning. I'm just sitting down, being bored. Nothing too exciting. As you can see, I've developed my fursona some, changing the patterns on my chest and back. No more shirt-ripping, no more Toriyama-style face, no more devilish smirk. This pic portays my personality as it really is, not how I used to want it. I still wish I really had a body structure like that though...

20y306d ago
Other Work By @Veridianedge

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 30 September, 2003 @ 11:59 PM

Making a fursona more like one's self is a hard thing to do! I'm glad your slowly accomplishing this goal. =) Indeed, he does have a very muscular... more like a kinda dream self, I see. =P I would try making the wrinkles on his pants look more "loose". Try looking at your own pants while drawing them. =) I like him, he has a cute pink nose. =3

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