Cly Novak

Simpleface by @Werewolf_Nemesis (Cly Novak)

This is Simpleface. Which is ironic because his face has one of the more difficult patterns. And no, that's not a mask. Their faces are a mostly featureless bony plate which acts like a radar to amplify sound to their ears. They are carnivores only, stabbing their prey with a syringe-like tube under their chins and basically doing what spiders do. They start out pretty tiny, and grow their whole lives, the ancient ones getting as big as an African bull elephant. As teenagers, they grow proto-fur down their throats and at the base of the tail and feathers along the middle of the tail, and the end of the tail is a rigid flap of brightly colored skin which they wave at each other in fights and to attract mates. As they grow older they go "bald," and their colors fade. Simpleface is obviously young and vibrant, and as such has a whole heram of female who adore him. Those three dots on his face are a single primative "eye" broken up into three parts, one part for seeing color, one for movement, and one for light. Easiest way to tell males and females apart is which side the "eye" is on. Both genders sport horns, though females are smaller and blunter and more for protecting their young. Simpleface's species is called the Zyros. They are sentient, though not technological.

15y140d ago
Other Work By @Werewolf_Nemesis

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Friday, 20 February, 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Rating: 5

Very interesting creature I love the design work on their face plate and the information you gave in the description really brings the Simpleface to life. I really like the detail and muscular structure you have captured in the Simpleface's feet along with the scaling. They look like they are very quick and agile.

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