West Knight

Teledu Cymru (1968)
Teledu Cymru (1968) by @WestKnightTV (West Knight)

What if the WWN name was kept in Wales until 1992? As a part of HTV, how would the presentation on screen be any different? Let's go on a trip into a different future, and you'll see...

Teledu Cymru/WWN is a really weird case in surviving multiple changing hands in Wales. Although the original company has been dead for 4 years til now, the name lived on as part of TWW, the interim ITSWW, and now: The new guys from Harlech.

To better reach the Cymric-speaking audience, they decided to take a page from TWW's book, and launched WWN as the "Harlech Welsh Network". The new ident cropped the dragon into a more manageable circle, with dots circling around as a ring (and would be an inseparable part in WWN's identity in the future). As the dragon zooms in with the dots spinning around, teledu cymru, stylized in all small caps, started its third incarnation as part of HTV.

The dots are partly inspired by WABC's station ID in 1957.

Originally posted on DeviantArt in March 2023.

© 2024 West Knight | Not to be used in minting NFTs or training AI drawing models

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40d23h ago
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