It's not Halloween
It's not Halloween by @Eternity9

Old art from 2018 I'm reposting here

Urrgggh this took forever and when I think it’s done I notice mistakes >.<

Oh well.....

So what’s the story behind this? Well I had a silly dream this week, I dreamed I was playing TF2 and I was playing Medic and it was a capture the point map...or something similar, anyway everything was going fine and I was with a Heavy and Engineer guarding a capture point, I had turned away from the Heavy and Engineer for a few seconds looking out onto the battle field and when I turned back my teammates were dead and theirs a Blue Spy sneaking up on me.

But it wasn’t just a normal Spy it was a vampire! And when he cloaked their was a puff of dark blue smoke and well logically I ran XD

I was running away from the Vampire Spy trying to figure out how to change my class to Pyro because no way could I take the Spy on as my Medic form. So I’m running away looking back over my Shoulder every now and then, the only thing I see is these blue smoke clouds dotted behind me in the same zigzag path I had been taking (Thankfully this dream aloud me to run properly I hate it when dreams make running difficult), I was able to change form...........

........But I turned into Sniper instead!! and I fumbled his gun in my hands nearly dropping it as I was taken off guard because I was expecting Pyro not Sniper....and the Vampire Spy almost got me their too. I was just lucking enough to narrowly avoid a back-stab and headed to this dream world re-spawn room. Finally feeling safer in re-spawn, I was able to take control of the change and finally turn into Pyro and now that I was Pyro I turned around and headed back outside with the full intent on burning that Vampire Spy, sadly that’s where my dream ended as I was chasing blue smoke clouds the Spy left in his retreat XD

After waking from the dream I really liked the idea of drawing a scene with the three TF2 classes I was, VS Vampire Spy.

So I came up with this scene, made the blue Spy a Changling/Batpony Hybrid and debated typing a story based on the pic...decided against it...this artist comment is starting to get too long, but I did come up with an idea that the victims of the Blue Vampire Spy, when bitten and drained by VampSpy that they turned into Blue Zombie like thralls (Thralls are beings that are forcibly under the control of a vampires) and the surviving teammates would not only have to deal with Vampspy but their turned comrades.

based blue deer dream game red team 2 fortress vs

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