Christine Frost

Good morning, or is it good night?
Good morning, or is it good night? by @Tana_chan (Christine Frost)

Alright, this is how "I" picture Rahab... he's yawning, I can't decide if he's just wakeing up from sleep or getting ready to go to sleep shrugs

Rahab has glasses ^^, at least I assume he does, but they're only for reading. Becides I think he looks good in them =P

I drew this pic for a sweet sweet person on FF.net that goes by the name of Silveriss... she has a thing for the swimming vampire... and I have to admit, looking at this I can see why ^^ he's CUTE! ahem anyway... I have more Rahab pix to finish... not sure why, but I suddenly seem to be drawing a lot of this cute lil vamp ^^

Pencil drawing coloured in photoshop. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Christine Frost

21y222d ago
Other Work By @Tana_chan

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 11 November, 2002 @ 11:39 PM

mew!~ rahab looks so yummy^^ Great art tana~!

steals his glasses

i wonna be smart likka him^^

runs into wall

Posted: Tuesday, 12 November, 2002 @ 12:02 AM

Roxxy chan, you shouldn't steal Rahab's specs =P

Rahab: O.o damn it give those back to me! chases Roxxy till she slams into the wall, then snatches back his glasses Insane woman...

huggles Rahab If he wasn't already taken I'd try and claim him for myself lol

Posted: Wednesday, 13 November, 2002 @ 01:16 AM

rubs head and sniffles i wasnt steallin...just borrowing...now rahab no like me...big tears in eyes ;__;

ps. please do more kain^^!!! and mel piccus^^ anna that^^ mew ^^v!

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