Samantha Nowinski

"Just A Girl" by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Take this pink ribbon off my eyes I'm exposed And it's no big surprise Don't you think I know Exactly where I stand This world is forcing me To hold your hand

'Cause I'm just a girl, little ol' me Don't let me out of your sight I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite So don't let me have any rights Oh... I've had it up to here!

The moment that I step outside So many reasons For me to run and hide I can't do the little things I hold so dear 'Cause it's all those little things That I fear

'Cause I'm just a girl, I'd rather not be 'Cause they won't let me drive Late at night I'm just a girl, Guess I'm some kind of freak 'Cause they all sit and stare With their eyes I'm just a girl, Take a good look at me Just your typical prototype Oh... I've had it up to here! Oh... am I making myself clear? Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

21y248d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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