Samantha Nowinski

An Artist's Masterpiece
An Artist's Masterpiece by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

This picture itself isn't a masterpiece, but the creations in the picture are my precious masterpiece. From Zei all the way to the Chibi Sams, I cherish every one of them.

Zei, with his bad guy attitude, wasn't supposed to be a character that'd last for a long time. It all started in a roleplay--he was supposed to be a minor character who'd be killed off in the next roleplay. But, somehow, he managed to stick around. And now look--Zei's permanantly here now.

Kei, the wacky scientist, actually didn't start out as a scientist. In a roleplay with my best pal Lexx, he came out to be an Irken from Aqua's past, and her crush. A lot happened in the roleplay...and my result of playing Kei myself came out to the one in Chris' roleplay.

Tal, the assasin, took awhile to come up with. It took almost three days to write up his whole profile on a simple piece of paper. Even though he seems minor in some roleplays, I like having him around. He was a cool character to work on, and I hope to do more on him.

Meg...ahhh, another character I didn't expect to keep around. She was first born in Lexx's roleplay, that fateful day when Lexx's character, Cale, asked her to dance, and Meg slapped him. lol. Eh, after begging, he got to dance with her. But that was only once around. When it was Chris' roleplay, I decided to give her a try. What happened? "Doctor Stupid" Rem is what happened! Now you can say that she became a permanent character afterall.

Rao...he started out in Invader Miraza (from FF.net) the same way Zei came out. In the roleplay, Tai got a disease that was hard to cure, and he was close to death. Zei knew a man named Healer Bae and took everyone to the Healer's temple, hoping that Tai would be saved by some miracle? But instead of Healer Bae, Healer Rao was the only one living at the temple. Rao healed Tai, and miraculously got rid of the virus for good. What happened after that? Well, after a visit returning something to them, Rao became part of the group. Now he's definitely going to be there for a long time.

Mayumi is Kei and Aqua's daughter. I like her because she's pretty cool to draw, and her and Ralz's (Tal and Por's son) relationship is pretty funny but cute at the same time. And she's also Keren's (Rem and Meg's daughter) friend, and let's say the two make some pair (Keren dragged May once to Aaron's room--Aaron is Zei and Nori's oldest son). So I put Mayumi up here.

And last, but not least--CHIBI SAMS!! All six of them!! Now you're wondering "how the heck did they pop up?". Well, I got one thing to say--THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, RIC! Just kidding ^^. Anyway, Ric was acting weird in a chatroom with me and Lexx (mostly with Lexx--they never told me the reason to this day, but I think I got some hint), so what'd I do to slow Ric down (though it didn't help)...I created the Chibi Sams to close in on him. But they became permanent in the roleplay (sadly--lol, j/k). Anyway, the "I'm so happy" Chibi Sam is one of Ric's favorite, from what I've heard from him when I first drew the Chibis. God...the Chibis.

And there's tons more I'm proud of...I just couldn't fit them on this picture! ^^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

21y251d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Sunday, 27 October, 2002 @ 02:44 PM

It is TOO a masterpiece ^_^ I can't believe you were just gonna kill off Zei, though! GRRRR! I bet Nori'd be P.O.'ed to hear that too, lmao. And all the Chibi Sams, Tal, Aqua, Mayumi, Kei... It's amazing how you squeezed them all in there, and STILL made it look good, lol. I'm terrible at drawing a large group of people - errr... Irkens. I think you did a very good job on this Spammy =D

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