Nikki Star

Sirius VS. Snape! by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

GASP Must! Show! Picture! gasps s'more I've gone CRAZY over Harry Potter stuffs! ^_^; Just recently, I read all the books and I'm getting the hardcover quartet for X-mas! Whee!

Anyway, as most know, in the 4th book, the Goblet of Fire, there is a point where two arch enimes have to..gah, shake hands! Nyah! So, I decided to show how they were as kids, and how they were then! Still, ever so resentful to each other! Mwhahah! I love you both Snape and Sirius '.^

I'd expect a HUGE flow of Harry Potter fan art from me, because that is what my sketchbook is full of, and so will my next one ^_^ I still love IZ, but when obsessions come, they last a while! I'll still draw IZ, though, I swear!


Finished Work
21y197d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 19 December, 2002 @ 11:41 AM

AHH! How adorabubble! Sirius and Sanpe are easily like my favorite characters because, oh, well, BECAUSE THEY ARE!!! Way to go! Slytherin Girl Nelli was here. GO GREEN AND SILVER!!!

Posted: Saturday, 05 April, 2003 @ 02:50 AM

Oohhh, I like how you transformed young sirius to adult Sirius who is is so sexy with that kind of hair! And that coat! It's good! YOu got a lot more HP fan arts?! I'll go to look for them! Hope you got a sexy harry too! Maybe you can do the same as them but HP with Malfoy!

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