Rebecca Mason

Alternate Vegeta, Character Study.
Alternate Vegeta, Character Study. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

E-heh heh now it's my turn to do a Veggie study ^^; Many thanks to Tazzy and her friend who told me about the different Vegeta, Akira Toriyama was going to have it so Vegeta was like Goku and he'd have dancing lessons!! but then Akira changed it at the last minute, so I just did some fun drawings depicting how Vegeta-san would be if Akira hadn't decided to change his personality, Vegeta just standing there, Little Vegeta doing a cheesy grin, Vegeta serious, Vegeta stuffing his face and lastly Vegeta, Buu and Quartina just dancing..the writing at the bottom explains Buu's reason for dancing. ^^. Japanese Fact: Just in case you didn't know, Sake (pronounced Saki) is a Japanese Alcoholic drink which is a lot stronger than beer. :: Laughs:: But it's Vegeta dancing that get's me more than anything! and don't ask why Quartina's dancing..e-heh I was bored, it was late and I reckon if Buu and Vegeta danced around like idiots Quartina would just like to dance anyways..although not like a loon. ^_^;;

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rebecca Mason

21y169d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 16 January, 2003 @ 05:30 PM

Oh yeah! I remember when ma friend called me, and the first thing she said was "VEGETA ONCE TOOK DANCING LESSONS!!" This is so cute, I think you've sumed up the Alternate Veggie very well, I would've loved to have seen Veggie do stuff like that in the anime ^^

Posted: Thursday, 16 January, 2003 @ 05:36 PM
George: Go away your self, I still think it's a good piccie, you made Veggie look so funny!
Tazzy: Go away George...

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